Sunday, December 25, 2011

Iran Vs. American Technologies

Electronic warfare Iran and the United States in the case of deprivation of unmanned surveillance planes the United States, ended with the victory of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This proves that alerts security officials and the Iranian army to the enemy, serious, factual, and can not be underestimated.

Last week, RQ170 reconnaissance aircraft, or Sentinel, or the so-called Beast of Kandahar, caught in a trap of electronic air defense system of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran.Control plane is successfully wrested from the hands of the U.S. military and successfully landed with minimum damage level.

After news spread of the seizure of the aircraft, U.S. officials immediately mobilized its propaganda machinery in order to undermine the success of the Iranian or even try to denied. However, the video aired on national television the plane RQ170 Iran, ending the entire United States and Western propaganda.

Perhaps when an electronic warfare officer in the affairs of the Air Defense Base Khatamul Anbiya, in Velayat maneuver 3, to reporters saying that only through his enemy aircraft motors, Iran was able to identify the type of command the base plane, the U.S. Defense Ministry officials and the American Intelligence Service ( CIA), do not take seriously the statement. 

Air Defense Base officials Khatamul Anbiya it was confirmed that the task division that led the master and control the waves of electro-magnetic. In essence, the takeover of the modern United States reconnaissance aircraft itself shows that the Islamic Republic of Iran is never just a claim or just bluffing. Rather, as proposed Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Brig Syed Hasan Firuzabadi, Islamic Republic of Iran has achieved the technical capabilities and weapons that had not even imagined by the enemy.

Habits of the United States to undermine the Islamic Republic of Iran's warning is not just limited to one case only. They do not pay attention to the statement of the Armed Forces Chief of Staff of Iran in a speech to confirm the operation of air defense of the Islamic Republic.

Ultimately the success of the Islamic Republic in seizing RQ170, a great tragedy for the United States military. In fact, according to one observer at the Brookings Institute, to assess the spoils as "treasure trove" for the Islamic Republic. Last year, Iranian military officials also confirmed that Iran has control of its air zone to a height of 5,000 kilometers.

U.S. officials also may not be too important to assess the Commander of Air Base statement Khatamul Anbiya two years ago, Brig Miqati, that "upgrading the defense system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, continues to rise and is at its prime and can match the circulating system in the world today.

Sentinel surveillance planes operating appropriation is at once proved that the United States and the military forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is not able to measure Iran's defense capability even at low levels. And it is not clear how long they will be able to explore Iran's defense capabilities. 

RQ170 post-tragedy, the U.S. officials are now worried about doubling action that modern aircraft technology. Concerns were essentially just a small part of their main concerns namely the Islamic Republic of Iran's increasing capabilities in electronic warfare or in producing reconnaissance aircraft that has yet produced. 

USA Today wrote that in this case deprived the Iranian reconnaissance plane, due to several factors, not likely to be copied. Disclosure issues are automatically reflected deep concern over the ability of the United States doubling technology by Iran. Former Iranian Pasdaran minister, Mohsen Rafiqdust, during the War of the Holy Defense against Iraqi aggression Baats regime, was able to prove the ability of doubling technology. 

The next point is the CIA officials know that Iran has proven its ability in the field of electronic warfare, then it should have the capability of the Islamic Republic of unimaginable in the field multiplication.

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