Sunday, December 25, 2011

Muhammad Baqir ash-Shadr

Scientific discourse that developed in the Islamic world is now increasingly to the fore the challenge of western scientific community. In the days before the twentieth century to the challenges of Western thinkers, the intellectuals of Islam more having an apology of regret for a prior action. This happens because the closed doors of ijtihad and immersed studies of philosophy, especially in the Sunni Muslim world, as well as less information works of western thinkers among Islamic thinkers.
Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr is a bit of Islamic leaders who can speak fluently Western thought. Impression of an apology that had been attached to the thinkers of Islam, he block thoughts with clarity and intelligence. He was so familiar with the works of classical and modern Islamic thinker, but he also understands Western thought developed. In his famous Iqtishaduna Falsatuna and fluently he expressed criticism of Western thought such as Karl Marx, Descartes, John Locke and others.
Falsafatuna and Iqtishaduna has raised Mehammad Baqir Sadr as the leading theoreticians of the Islamic revival. Philosophy and alternative economic systems is accomplished through the community and institutions. In Falsafatuna and Iqtishaduna, Baqir Sadr want to present a serious criticism against the flow of Marxism and capitalism. This book is both in terms of sturuktur and methodology, no doubt this is the contribution of the most serious and most coated in this field.
Muhammad Baqir As-Sayyid Haidar Ibn Ismail al-Sadr, a scholar, scholar, teacher and political figure, was born in Kazimain, Baghdad, Iraq on 25 Dzulqaidah 1353H / March 1, 1935 M from a religious family. At the age of four years, Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr lost his father, and then raised by a religious mother and his older brother, Ishmael, who is also a prominent mujtahid in Iraq. Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr showed signs of genius since childhood. At the age of ten years, he lectured on the history of Islam, and also about some other aspects of Islamic culture. He was able to capture the theological issues that are difficult and even without the help of a teacher. When the age of eleven, he took up the study of logic, and wrote a book criticizing the philosophers.
At the age of thirteen, his brother taught him the 'Usul' ilm al-fiqh (principles of the science of the principles of Islamic law consisting of the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma 'and Qiyas). At the age of about sixteen years old, he went to Najaf to demand better education in various branches of Islamic sciences. Approximately four years later, he wrote an encyclopedia of 'Usul, al-Fikr Ghayat fi al-'Ushul (thinking peaks in' Usul). Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr to become a mujtahid at the age of thirty.
As one of the most prominent thinkers, Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr represents the intellectual revival which took place in Najaf between 1950-1980. Another striking characteristic of the resurrection is a political dimension, and the interplay between what happens in a dark alley and high school dusty Najaf, and the Middle East in general. Sadr executing events with a sister named Bint al-Huda on April 8, 1980, perhaps this is the culmination of the challenge of Islam in Iraq. With the death of Sadr, Iraq lost the most important Islamic activists.
But fame Sadr just after he was hanged by the Iraqi government. Sadr's reputation since it is recognized in the various circles of society. His name has crossed the Mediterranean to Europe and the United States. In 1981, Hanna Batatu, in an article in Middle East Journal in Washington, show people the importance of Sadr for Shiite underground movement in Iraq. In 1984, Istishaduna partly translated into German, accompanied by pious Shiites recognize a long preamble is by a young German orientalist. So no longer possible to ignore the significance of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr in the political movements of Islamic revival, in Iraq, the Shiite world and in the Muslim world in general.

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